Do you ever feel lost? 

What else can you call it when things don’t seem to ‘fit’? You’re not overly cheerful, not depressed, Life’s buzzing along fairly nicely for you even though world events are horrific. Some around you are getting down about all the tragedies that abound. But, Life is good for me here. We have no wars in our neighbourhood, except the odd squawking birds or raccoons having a domestic dispute or a battle over food or turf. That’s Life.

The Big Questions sometimes loom, though, don’t they? They knock you off your feet. The party comes to a screeching halt. It’s hard to laugh, it’s challenging to even smile and enjoy a joke.

And then … SWEET DISTRACTION!!! … you’re back into your routine of taking bottles to the depot for a refund, cleaning out a messy junk drawer, maybe catching a short camping trip in the summer weather, relaxing with some friends for a friendly low-stakes poker game, trying to not use too much water to keep your much-loved plants alive, reading a book on your ‘device’ in the cool of the summer evening, taking a drive out into the country.

People around you are reacting…to the news, to their own histories, to their taken-ill spouses, to their offspring of all ages and challenges, to the never-ending needs that call out to them, to their aging.

People are also responding…to the huge world of need, of love, of hunger, of neglect, of poverty of illness, of emotional starvation.

Reach out, that’s all. Sounds simple, not simple? Let’s do it. Drop all that baggage and leave it on the carousel of history. Go forward with pure love and care and respect as best as you are able for ‘children’ of every age, of every need, of every hunger.

It’s a short run here, Dear Ones. Let’s do our utmost to make it a loving, caring, joy-filled place for all who wish to receive such a gift.

I know it’s not easy for everyone … to give or to receive. Step back. Look at what you gain by offering anything other than love and forgiveness. Not much, I’d say.

That’s my plan, at least. That’s my  own personal route that is recovered and paved with equanimity every time I feel I’m straying, getting lost. Share the love, the wealth of this world, in every sense.

Shake your head at the unbelievable, for sure. Feel that grief and bear that pain. Scream “Unjust!” Cry ’til you’re dry. But, get back up with hope for the next round, ‘cuz around that corner is a sweet dream fulfilled, a moment of unmatched joy, a sharing of love that we and this world are about. Watch for them: small signs sometimes, but they magnify until we catch it and smile, feel lightheaded and lighthearted and acknowledge THIS is what we’re about. It’s what we all want, truly, I believe. We don’t always know how to be grateful recipients or generators of it. We’re HUMANS, after all.

Back on the path of the shared journey…paved with heartfelt humanity and gratitude for these experiences…together. Hold each other up, LIFT each other up!

Let’s get out there, back on the path and love each other to Life!!!

(First I’m gonna catch a nap! 😉😁👍🏼💞)

I am so blessed. 💝🛐 On my knees with thanks…for it all.

~ BE WELL, LOVE WELL, and with thanks, BE LOVED ~

(by me, topchattypatty. If you like it, please use it, frequently)

~~ Lighten my past, illuminate my present and shed a light on my future.

(my own slight deviation from Trish Whynot’s quote).

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